Convert Electron-Volts to Joules

Transform your power calculation confusion into clarity with our eV to joules conversion tool. Whether you’re an engineer, technician, or DIY enthusiast, this converter ensures you get accurate measurements all the time in seconds. When it’s time to harness energy, don't forget to explore when converting eV to joules. Get accurate, get efficient, and get it all with us!. Harness the power of precise conversion from eV to joules with our eV to joules converter. Plus, explore our other calculators for seamless converters across various scientific domains. Accuracy simplified for you!

Electronvolts (eV) to Joules (J)
1 eV to J = 1.6022 x 10^-19 J11.6 eV to J = 1.8605 x 10^-17 J
13.6 eV to J = 2.1799 x 10^-18 J116 eV to J = 1.8605 x 10^-16 J
100 eV to J = 1.6022 x 10^-17 J125 eV to J = 2.0027 x 10^-16 J
0.01 eV to J = 1.6022 x 10^-21 J13.3 eV to J = 2.1326 x 10^-18 J
0.0253 eV to J = 4.0465 x 10^-20 J2 eV to J = 3.2044 x 10^-18 J
0.15 eV to J = 2.4039 x 10^-19 J2.16 eV to J = 3.4682 x 10^-18 J
0.4 eV to J = 6.4087 x 10^-19 J2.25 eV to J = 3.6035 x 10^-18 J
0.7 eV to J = 1.1215 x 10^-18 J2.28 eV to J = 3.6472 x 10^-18 J
0.9773 eV to J = 1.5678 x 10^-18 J2.5 k eV to J = 4.0034 x 10^-15 J
1.1 eV to J = 1.7624 x 10^-18 J2.52 eV to J = 4.0371 x 10^-18 J
1.12 eV to J = 1.7955 x 10^-18 J2.6 eV to J = 4.1635 x 10^-18 J
1.13 eV to J = 1.8111 x 10^-18 J27 eV to J = 4.3265 x 10^-17 J
1.424 eV to J = 2.2810 x 10^-18 J3 eV to J = 4.8065 x 10^-18 J
1.55 eV to J = 2.4802 x 10^-18 J3.1 eV to J = 4.9658 x 10^-18 J
1.67 eV to J = 2.6793 x 10^-18 J3.3 eV to J = 5.2884 x 10^-18 J
1.68 eV to J = 2.6950 x 10^-18 J3.4 eV to J = 5.4514 x 10^-18 J
1.78 eV to J = 2.8531 x 10^-18 J3.6 eV to J = 5.7774 x 10^-18 J
1.9 eV to J = 3.0499 x 10^-18 J34 eV to J = 5.4514 x 10^-16 J
1.91 eV to J = 3.0656 x 10^-18 J4 eV to J = 6.4087 x 10^-18 J
10 eV to J = 1.6022 x 10^-17 J4.5 eV to J = 7.2098 x 10^-18 J