Convert HP to Watts

Unlock the power conversion! Our horsepower to watts calculator is your key to precision in the automotive world. Discover the real muscle behind your engine by effortlessly converting horsepower to watts. Whether you are a car enthusiast or just want to maximize vehicle performance, our horsepower to watts conversion tool is your ally! Don’t settle for guesswork, optimize your engine with confidence. Elevate your engine knowledge with our horsepower to watts conversion! Accurate conversions at your fingertips. Plus, explore our range of other calculators for all your automotive needs. Unleash the power accuracy now!

Horsepower (hp) to Watts (W)
1 horsepower to watts = 745.7150 horsepower to watts = 111855
1/2 horsepower to watts = 372.8516 horsepower to watts = 11931.2
1/4 horsepower to watts = 186.42182 horsepower to watts = 135568.6
0.5 horsepower to watts = 372.852 horsepower to watts = 1491.4
1 1/3 horsepower to watts = 991.572.2 horsepower to watts = 1638.54
1.5 horsepower to watts = 1115.552.25 horsepower to watts = 1677.43
2.5 horsepower to watts = 1864.252.3 horsepower to watts = 1716.33
3 horsepower to watts = 2237.120 horsepower to watts = 14914
1.5 horsepower to watts = 1115.552000 horsepower to watts = 1491400
5 horsepower to watts = 3728.521 horsepower to watts = 15679.7
0.75 horsepower to watts = 559.28217 horsepower to watts = 161422.9
0.0067 horsepower to watts = 4.992190 horsepower to watts = 1630731.3
1 1/4 horsepower to watts = 931.75240 horsepower to watts = 178968
1 1/5 horsepower to watts = 791.62265 horsepower to watts = 197390.5
1 4/5 horsepower to watts = 1491.394.63 horsepower to watts = 3447.84
1.2 horsepower to watts = 894.84400 horsepower to watts = 298280
1.3 horsepower to watts = 968.4150 horsepower to watts = 37285
1.53 horsepower to watts = 1142.01500 horsepower to watts = 372850
107 horsepower to watts = 79877.9505 horsepower to watts = 376958.5