Convert HP to kW

Unlock the potential of your engine with our hp to kw conversion app. Our converter allows you to convert hp to kw helping you make informed decisions about power use, energy consumption, and performance. Don’t let your engines run inefficiently, harness the power of our hp to kw conversion tool. Use our converter today and experience the difference. Maximise your engine effortlessly! Our hp to kw conversion app ensures accurate power conversion. Explore more calculators for seamless solutions. Power up your precision!

Horsepower (hp) to Kilowatts (kW)
0.25 hp to kW = 0.186420 hp to kW = 14.914
0.33 hp to kW = 0.246825 hp to kW = 18.6425
0.5 hp to kW = 0.37230 hp to kW = 22.371
0.75 hp to kW = 0.559540 hp to kW = 29.828
1 hp to kW = 0.745750 hp to kW = 37.285
1.5 hp to kW = 1.118660 hp to kW = 44.742
2 hp to kW = 1.491475 hp to kW = 55.9275
3 hp to kW = 2.2371100 hp to kW = 74.236
4 hp to kW = 2.9828150 hp to kW = 111.354
5 hp to kW = 3.7285200 hp to kW = 148.472
7.5 hp to kW = 5.5927250 hp to kW = 185.59
10 hp to kW = 7.457300 hp to kW = 222.708
12 hp to kW = 8.9484400 hp to kW = 296.944
15 hp to kW = 11.1857500 hp to kW = 371.18
18 hp to kW = 13.423600 hp to kW = 445.416