Convert Oz to Ml

We make it easy with our oz to ml tool! Just tell our tool how many ounces you want to convert, and it will do the rest.

What is oz to ml Calculator

Welcome to the CalcGenie conversion Oz to Ml tool. This user-friendly converter is designed to help you accurately convert (ounces) oz to milliliters (ml). Whether you’re cooking, working in the industry, doing research, or doing school projects, our converter makes it easy to switch between these different volume measurements.

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Oz to MlOz to Ml
3.4 oz to ml = 100.551.7 oz to ml = 50.275
1.5 oz to ml = 44.36030.5 oz to ml = 14.7868
16.9 oz to ml = 499.7933.3 oz to ml = 97.593
3.5 oz to ml = 103.5071.6 oz to ml = 47.3176
6.7 oz to ml = 198.1434.2 oz to ml = 124.209
2.5 oz to ml = 74.93232.6 oz to ml = 76.2938
6.8 oz to ml = 202.8821.5 oz to ml = 44.3603
1.7 oz to ml = 50.27533.8 oz to ml = 1055.92
4.5 oz to ml = 133.2231.2 oz to ml = 35.5195
1.3 oz to ml = 39.06552.7 oz to ml = 78.9475
3.4 oz to ml = 100.555.5 oz to ml = 161.294
7.5 oz to ml = 236.5880.25 oz to ml = 7.4932
0.27 oz to ml = 8.13433.2 oz to ml = 96.2916
3.9 oz to ml = 114.7878.4 oz to ml = 248.84
0.16 oz to ml = 4.8950.3 oz to ml = 8.95

Definition of Ounce?

An ounce is a unit of volume used for measuring liquids. There are two different types of ounces: imperial ounces and the US ounces. An imperial ounce is 28.4130625 mL, and the US ounce is 29.5735295625 mL.

Definition of Milliliter?

A milliliter is a unit of volume in the metric system, equal to one-thousandth of a liter. The abbreviation of milliliter is mL. The mL is also used to measure small amounts of solids. E.g., Child medication is measured in milliliters.

Ounces to Milliliters

The ounces to milliliters using the formula: milliliters = ounces * 29.5735295625. For example, to convert 1 ounce to milliliters, you have to multiply one by 29.5735295625, equal to 29.5735295625 milliliters.

How to Use oz to ml?

Input the ounce value you want to convert into the appropriate input field. Click the convert button. Our oz to ml converter will instantly display the converted value in the corresponding output area in the table format.

Ounces to Milliliters

Oz to MlOz to MlOz to Ml
1 Oz to Ml = 29.57 34 Oz to Ml = 1005.53 67 Oz to Ml = 1988.98
2 Oz to Ml = 59.15 35 Oz to Ml = 1035.11 68 Oz to Ml = 2018.56
3 Oz to Ml = 88.72 36 Oz to Ml = 1064.68 69 Oz to Ml = 2048.13
4 Oz to Ml = 118.29 37 Oz to Ml = 1094.25 70 Oz to Ml = 2077.7
5 Oz to Ml = 147.87 38 Oz to Ml = 1123.83 71 Oz to Ml = 2107.28
6 Oz to Ml = 177.44 39 Oz to Ml = 1153.4 72 Oz to Ml = 2136.85
7 Oz to Ml = 207.01 40 Oz to Ml = 1182.98 73 Oz to Ml = 2166.42
8 Oz to Ml = 236.59 41 Oz to Ml = 1212.55 74 Oz to Ml = 2195.99
9 Oz to Ml = 266.16 42 Oz to Ml = 1242.13 75 Oz to Ml = 2225.57
10 Oz to Ml = 295.74 43 Oz to Ml = 1271.7 76 Oz to Ml = 2255.14
11 Oz to Ml = 325.31 44 Oz to Ml = 1301.27 77 Oz to Ml = 2284.71
12 Oz to Ml = 354.88 45 Oz to Ml = 1330.85 78 Oz to Ml = 2314.29
13 Oz to Ml = 384.46 46 Oz to Ml = 1360.42 79 Oz to Ml = 2343.86
14 Oz to Ml = 414.03 47 Oz to Ml = 1390 80 Oz to Ml = 2373.43
15 Oz to Ml = 443.61 48 Oz to Ml = 1419.57 81 Oz to Ml = 2403.01
16 Oz to Ml = 473.18 49 Oz to Ml = 1449.14 82 Oz to Ml = 2432.58
17 Oz to Ml = 502.76 50 Oz to Ml = 1478.72 83 Oz to Ml = 2462.15
18 Oz to Ml = 532.33 51 Oz to Ml = 1508.29 84 Oz to Ml = 2491.73
19 Oz to Ml = 561.9 52 Oz to Ml = 1537.86 85 Oz to Ml = 2521.3
20 Oz to Ml = 591.47 53 Oz to Ml = 1567.44 86 Oz to Ml = 2550.87
21 Oz to Ml = 621.05 54 Oz to Ml = 1597.01 87 Oz to Ml = 2580.45
22 Oz to Ml = 650.62 55 Oz to Ml = 1626.59 88 Oz to Ml = 2610.02
23 Oz to Ml = 680.19 56 Oz to Ml = 1656.16 89 Oz to Ml = 2639.59
24 Oz to Ml = 709.77 57 Oz to Ml = 1685.73 90 Oz to Ml = 2669.17
25 Oz to Ml = 739.34 58 Oz to Ml = 1715.31 91 Oz to Ml = 2698.74
26 Oz to Ml = 768.92 59 Oz to Ml = 1744.88 92 Oz to Ml = 2728.31
27 Oz to Ml = 798.49 60 Oz to Ml = 1774.46 93 Oz to Ml = 2757.89
28 Oz to Ml = 828.06 61 Oz to Ml = 1804.03 94 Oz to Ml = 2787.46
29 Oz to Ml = 857.64 62 Oz to Ml = 1833.61 95 Oz to Ml = 2817.03
30 Oz to Ml = 887.21 63 Oz to Ml = 1863.18 96 Oz to Ml = 2846.61
31 Oz to Ml = 916.79 64 Oz to Ml = 1892.75 97 Oz to Ml = 2876.18
32 Oz to Ml = 946.36 65 Oz to Ml = 1922.33 98 Oz to Ml = 2905.76
33 Oz to Ml = 975.93 66 Oz to Ml = 1951.9 99 Oz to Ml = 2935.33
34 Oz to Ml = 1005.53 67 Oz to Ml = 1988.98 100 Oz to Ml = 2966.0

Ounces to Ml Converter

Our CalcGenie conversion ml to ounces calculator is the most efficient and convenient tool for oz to ml conversion. With the user-friendly interface and accurate results, you can easily calculate oz to ml in seconds. Just give it a try today!

FAQs on Ounces to Milliliters Converter

To convert ounce to milliliter you can use the following formula: milliliters = ounces * 29.5735295625. For converting one ounce to milliliter multiply it with 29.5735295625.

Conversion ml to ounces calculator is commonly used to measure liquids, water, juice and more. Sometimes they are often used to measure small ingredients such as sugar, medications and more.

When using a conversion ml to ounces calculator, it is important to pay attention to your inputs. Wrong input means wrong answers. Also double check the results to make sure they are accurate results.

Weight ounce is used to measure mass of an object, one ounce is equal to 28.35 grams. Fluid ounce is used to measure volume of liquids, one ounce is equal to 29.57 milliliters.