Convert Celsius to Rankine

Convert Celsius to Rankine with our simple and efficient celsius to rankine converter. Just enter the temperature in Celsius in the correct field and click the convert button. Your result will be displayed in Rankine. This converter is perfect for engineers, students, and scientists.

Definition of Rankine

Rankine scale is temperature scale based on absolute Zero, which is -459.67°F or -273.15°C. It is named after William John Macquorn Rankine, a Scottish engineer and physicist. Rankine scale is not used in scientific applications but sometimes used in power plants.

Definition of Celsius

Centigrade (°C) or more commonly known as Celsius, is a temperature scale based on the freezing (0°C) and boiling point (100°C)of the water. Celsius is the most commonly used temperature scale in the world and also it is an official temperature scale in most countries.

How to use this App

Easily convert Celsius to Rankine with our efficient app. Just enter the temperature value in celsius and click the enter button. Our converter will display the Rankine value instantly. Please remember wrong input may cause wrong calculation. Enter the °C values correctly!

Formula to Convert Rankine

To convert Celsius to Rankine you could use the following formula Rankine = (°C x 9/5) + 273.15. To convert 20°C to Rankine, you do the following 20°C * 9/5 + 273.15 = 491.67°R. If you are working on more numbers you can use our Celsius to Rankine converter.

Convert Celsius to Rankine

Our converter is quick and easy to convert the temperature between Celsius and Rankine. This converter is accurate to six decimals and it is mobile friendly, so you can use it in your mobile or tablet wherever you are.

Celsius to Rankine Conversion
1 Celsius to Rankine = 493.4710 Celsius to Rankine = 509.67
14 Celsius to Rankine = 516.2715 Celsius to Rankine = 518.07
20 Celsius to Rankine = 527.6722 Celsius to Rankine = 531.27
23 Celsius to Rankine = 533.0724 Celsius to Rankine = 534.87
25 Celsius to Rankine = 536.6726 Celsius to Rankine = 538.47
30 Celsius to Rankine = 545.07100 Celsius to Rankine = 671.67

Frequently Asked Questions

1. What is the formula for Celsius to Rankine?

The formula for converting Celsius to Rankine is (°C x 9/5) + 273.15. If you are working with many numbers you can use our converter. Our converter is mobile friendly, easy-to-use and six decimals accurate.

2. Who invented the Rankine temperature scale?

The Rankine temperature scale was invented by Scottish engineer and physicist William John Macquorn Rankine in 1859. Rankine scale is an absolute scale of temperature. Rankine is still used in the United States to measure the temperature of the steam.

3. Does anybody use the Rankine temperature scale?

The Rankine temperature scale is not as widely used as Celsius or Fahrenheit temperature scales, but this scale is still used in some engineering applications. Rankine is most commonly used to measure steam temperature in the United States.

4. How accurate is the Celsius to Rankine converter?

Our Celsius to Rankine converter uses Rankine = (°C x 9/5) + 273.15 formula for converting Celsius to Rankine value. Our formula for converting these values is accurate to six decimals. If you are looking for highly accurate calculations you can use our Celsius to Rankine converter.