Convert KW to HP

Convert kw to hp with our easy-to-use kw to hp convertor! Boost efficiency and save time!

kW to HP Convertor

Unlock the power of energy conversion with our kw to hp convertor! Whether you're an engineer or just need kw to hp conversion our tool delivers instant results. Say bye to manual calculation and say hello to efficiency. Convert kw to hp effortlessly and get horsepower value in seconds. Try it now and supercharge your conversions!

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Kilowatts to Horsepower Conversion Table

Kilowatts (kW) to Horsepower (hp)Kilowatts (kW) to Horsepower (hp)
2.2 kW to hp = 2.98 hp25 kW to hp = 33.90 hp
75 kW to hp = 101.94 hp80 kW to hp = 108.79 hp
1 kW to hp = 1.36 hp110 kW to hp = 149.16 hp
1.5 kW to hp = 2.04 hp14 kW to hp = 19.03 hp
30 kW to hp = 40.79 hp170 kW to hp = 230.91 hp
37 kW to hp = 50.17 hp18.5 kW to hp = 25.13 hp
55 kW to hp = 74.76 hp180 kW to hp = 244.87 hp
7.5 kW to hp = 10.20 hp240 kW to hp = 326.31 hp
11 kW to hp = 14.96 hp3.6 kW to hp = 4.88 hp
5.5 kW to hp = 7.48 hp3.7 kW to hp = 5.01 hp
300 kW to hp = 407.86 hp400 kW to hp = 543.84 hp
35 kW to hp = 47.49 hp70 kW to hp = 94.98 hp
500 kW to hp = 679.57 hp10 kW to hp = 13.59 hp
77 kW to hp = 104.49 hp11 kW to hp = 14.92 hp
20 kW to hp = 27.12 hp118 kW to hp = 160.21 hp
250 kW to hp = 339.95 hp125 kW to hp = 169.56 hp
260 kW to hp = 353.22 hp13 kW to hp = 17.63 hp
90 kW to hp = 122.43 hp150 kW to hp = 203.94 hp
1.1 kW to hp = 1.49 hp160 kW to hp = 217.57 hp
100 kW to hp = 135.96 hp220 kW to hp = 298.32 hp
120 kW to hp = 163.15 hp32 kW to hp = 43.54 hp
15 kW to hp = 20.40 hp4 kW to hp = 5.44 hp
19 kW to hp = 25.80 hp50 kW to hp = 67.98 hp
200 kW to hp = 271.92 hp6.5 kW to hp = 8.80 hp

Kilowatts to Horsepower Conversion Table

Kilowatts to Horsepower Kilowatts to Horsepower
1.8 kW to hp = 2.44 hp132 kW to hp = 179.37 hp
1000 kW to hp = 1359.55 hp137 kW to hp = 185.88 hp
22 kW to hp = 29.83 hp17 kW to hp = 23.09 hp
3.8 kW to hp = 5.16 hp21 kW to hp = 28.51 hp
350 kW to hp = 474.81 hp22.5 kW to hp = 30.50 hp
12 kW to hp = 16.31 hp225 kW to hp = 305.95 hp
12.5 kW to hp = 16.98 hp227 kW to hp = 308.10 hp
130 kW to hp = 176.37 hp280 kW to hp = 380.26 hp
147 kW to hp = 199.79 hp3.5 kW to hp = 4.75 hp
18 kW to hp = 24.48 hp304 kW to hp = 413.46 hp
2.5 kW to hp = 3.40 hp33 kW to hp = 44.79 hp
3 kW to hp = 4.08 hp375 kW to hp = 509.66 hp
45 kW to hp = 61.19 hp430 kW to hp = 584.09 hp
60 kW to hp = 81.58 hp450 kW to hp = 610.80 hp
140 kW to hp = 190.15 hp460 kW to hp = 624.47 hp
176 kW to hp = 239.05 hp5 kW to hp = 6.80 hp
219 kW to hp = 296.84 hp6.3 kW to hp = 8.55 hp
267 kW to hp = 363.01 hp600 kW to hp = 815.73 hp
36 kW to hp = 48.95 hp62 kW to hp = 84.22 hp
4.8 kW to hp = 6.52 hp74 kW to hp = 100.64 hp
40 kW to hp = 54.24 hp8 kW to hp = 10.88 hp
44 kW to hp = 59.80 hp85 kW to hp = 115.31 hp
8.7 kW to hp = 11.79 hp95 kW to hp = 129.06 hp
105 kW to hp = 142.47 hp0.18 kW to hp = 0.24 hp

kW to HP Conversion

Elevate your calculations! Our kw to hp convertor delivers calculations in seconds. Unlock seamless conversions and explore a range of calculators for a smarter, efficient experience. Empower your calculations now