Convert BTU per hour to kW

Unlock efficiency with our BTU/hr to kilowatts conversion tool! Seamlessly convert BTU/hr to kilowatts, unlocking precise power insights. Whether for HVAC systems or energy audits, our BTU/hr to kilowatts calculator empowers you. Make energy conversion simple, experience accuracy at your fingertips. Explore the power of streamlined calculations and elevate your energy game!. Why choose our BTU/hr to kilowatts calculator? Our converter delivers quick and accurate energy conversions, perfect for HVAC pros and energy analysts. Plus, explore our other calculators for versatile converters simplifying complex calculations!

BTU/hr to Kilowatts (kW)
1 BTU/hr to kW = 0.000293 kW13,000 BTU/hr to kW = 3.809 kW
2,000 BTU/hr to kW = 0.5861 kW45,000 BTU/hr to kW = 13.1798 kW
12,000 BTU/hr to kW = 3.5172 kW46,000 BTU/hr to kW = 13.466 kW
20,000 BTU/hr to kW = 5.8707 kW1,500 BTU/hr to kW = 0.4397 kW
60,000 BTU/hr to kW = 17.5851 kW48,000 BTU/hr to kW = 13.9357 kW
21,000 BTU/hr to kW = 6.157 kW15,000 BTU/hr to kW = 4.3961 kW
72,000 BTU/hr to kW = 21.1021 kW5,000 BTU/hr to kW = 1.4654 kW
22,000 BTU/hr to kW = 6.4432 kW16,000 BTU/hr to kW = 4.6822 kW
24,000 BTU/hr to kW = 7.0341 kW50,000 BTU/hr to kW = 14.6786 kW
23,000 BTU/hr to kW = 6.7293 kW17,000 BTU/hr to kW = 4.9683 kW
25,000 BTU/hr to kW = 7.3015 kW54,000 BTU/hr to kW = 15.8113 kW
10,000 BTU/hr to kW = 2.9357 kW18,000 BTU/hr to kW = 5.2544 kW
27,000 BTU/hr to kW = 7.9001 kW55,000 BTU/hr to kW = 16.0975 kW
100,000 BTU/hr to kW = 29.3571 kW200,000 BTU/hr to kW = 58.7142 kW
28,000 BTU/hr to kW = 8.1862 kW6,000 BTU/hr to kW = 1.7571 kW