Convert Knots to Mph

Convert knots to mph with our knots to mph conversion tool. Just enter the speed in knots, and we will do the rest!

Convert knots to mph?

Knots and miles per hour are both speed units, but they measure speed differently. One nautical mile is equal to 1.852 kilometers or 1.151 miles. To convert knots to mph, you can use the following formula: Miles per hour = knots x 1.15078. To convert knots to mph, multiply the number by 1.15078.

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Knots to MphKnots to Mph
120 knots to mph = 138.74660 knots to mph = 754.56
150 knots to mph = 173.78400 knots to mph = 460.69
130 knots to mph = 149.14140 knots to mph = 161.92
160 knots to mph = 184.222000 knots to mph = 2302.12
250 knots to mph = 281.25104 knots to mph = 116.29
110 knots to mph = 122.42145 knots to mph = 168.37
170 knots to mph = 193.12135 knots to mph = 153.78
180 knots to mph = 207.36350 knots to mph = 393.71
125 knots to mph = 141.67800 knots to mph = 921.38
420 knots to mph = 481.89700 knots to mph = 787.42
105 knots to mph = 117.82115 knots to mph = 128.03
138 knots to mph = 157.71165 knots to mph = 190.12
220 knots to mph = 247.48330 knots to mph = 375.46
1000 knots to mph = 1151.06155 knots to mph = 177.82
190 knots to mph = 216.21240 knots to mph = 273.58

What is Knots speed?

A knot is a unit of speed equal to one nautical mile per hour, precisely 1.852 kph or 1.151 mph. The ISO standard symbol for knots is kn. The knot is a traditional unit of speed used for centuries by sailors and navigators.

What is Miles per Hour

Miles per hour is a unit of speed that measures the distance traveled in one hour. It is the most commonly used to measure speed in the US and UK. Miles per hour is a unit of speed for measuring the speed of vehicles such as bikes, cars, and airplanes.

Knots to mph Conversion

To convert knots to miles per hour, you can use the following formula: mph = knots * 1.151. For example; if you have a speed of 10 knots, you have to convert knots to miles per hour like this; mph = 10 knots * 1.151 = 11.51 mph. That's how we convert!

Tips to use knots to mph

Here are some tips for using knots to miles per hour converter; make sure you know the conversion factor, enter data in the correct field, click the calculate button and double-check the results. These tips help you use a knots to mph converter.

Knots to Mph

Knots to MphKnots to MphKnots to Mph
1 knot to mph = 1.1508 34 knots to mph = 39.1264 67 knots to mph = 77.1468
2 knots to mph = 2.3016 35 knots to mph = 40.2255 68 knots to mph = 78.2976
3 knots to mph = 3.4523 36 knots to mph = 41.3246 69 knots to mph = 79.4487
4 knots to mph = 4.6031 37 knots to mph = 42.4237 70 knots to mph = 80.5996
5 knots to mph = 5.7539 38 knots to mph = 43.5228 71 knots to mph = 81.7507
6 knots to mph = 6.9047 39 knots to mph = 44.6219 72 knots to mph = 82.9015
7 knots to mph = 8.0555 40 knots to mph = 45.721 73 knots to mph = 84.0523
8 knots to mph = 9.2063 41 knots to mph = 46.8201 74 knots to mph = 85.2031
9 knots to mph = 10.3571 42 knots to mph = 47.9192 75 knots to mph = 86.354
10 knots to mph = 11.5079 43 knots to mph = 49.0183 76 knots to mph = 87.5048
11 knots to mph = 12.6587 44 knots to mph = 50.1174 77 knots to mph = 88.6556
12 knots to mph = 13.8094 45 knots to mph = 51.2165 78 knots to mph = 89.8064
13 knots to mph = 14.9602 46 knots to mph = 52.3156 79 knots to mph = 90.9572
14 knots to mph = 16.111 47 knots to mph = 53.4147 80 knots to mph = 92.108
15 knots to mph = 17.2618 48 knots to mph = 54.5138 81 knots to mph = 93.2588
16 knots to mph = 18.4126 49 knots to mph = 55.6129 82 knots to mph = 94.4096
17 knots to mph = 19.5634 50 knots to mph = 56.712 83 knots to mph = 95.5604
18 knots to mph = 20.7142 51 knots to mph = 57.8111 84 knots to mph = 96.7113
19 knots to mph = 21.865 52 knots to mph = 58.9102 85 knots to mph = 97.8621
20 knots to mph = 23.0158 53 knots to mph = 60.0093 86 knots to mph = 99.0129
21 knots to mph = 24.1666 54 knots to mph = 61.1084 87 knots to mph = 100.1637
22 knots to mph = 25.3174 55 knots to mph = 62.2075 88 knots to mph = 101.3145
23 knots to mph = 26.4682 56 knots to mph = 63.3066 89 knots to mph = 102.4653
24 knots to mph = 27.619 57 knots to mph = 64.4057 90 knots to mph = 103.6161
25 knots to mph = 28.7698 58 knots to mph = 65.5048 91 knots to mph = 104.7669
26 knots to mph = 29.9206 59 knots to mph = 66.6039 92 knots to mph = 105.9177
27 knots to mph = 31.0714 60 knots to mph = 67.703 93 knots to mph = 107.0685
28 knots to mph = 32.2222 61 knots to mph = 68.8021 94 knots to mph = 108.2194
29 knots to mph = 33.3731 62 knots to mph = 69.9012 95 knots to mph = 109.3702
30 knots to mph = 34.5239 63 knots to mph = 71.0003 96 knots to mph = 110.521
31 knots to mph = 35.6747 64 knots to mph = 72.0994 97 knots to mph = 111.6718
32 knots to mph = 36.8255 65 knots to mph = 73.1985 98 knots to mph = 112.8226
33 knots to mph = 37.9763 66 knots to mph = 74.2976 99 knots to mph = 113.9734
34 knots to mph = 39.1264 67 knots to mph = 75.3967 100 knots to mph = 115.1242

Knots to Miles Converter

Our knots to miles per hour converter is an elegant and powerful tool that can help you convert between knots to miles per hour. Whether you are a sailor, pilot, or just someone curious about knots to mph conversion, our calculator is the perfect tool for you!

FAQs on Knots to Miles Converter

1 knot is equal to 1.151 miles per hour. To convert knots to miles per hour, you have to multiply the number of knots value with 1.151. For example; 10 knots is equal to 11.51 mph.

To convert knots to mph you can use the following formula: mph = knots * 1.151. For example; For example, to convert 10 knots to mph, you would multiply 10 by 1.151, which equals 11.51 mph.

Knots are nautical miles per hour. A nautical mile = 1.1508 miles, hence one knot is 1.1508 mph. Cars and other land vehicles use mph, but ships and planes use knots.

Knots-to-mph converters have various uses. Tracking ship and aircraft speeds are popular usage. Some of the other uses are planning air and sea trips, Comparing ship/aircraft speeds, and Calculating ship or plane distance.