Convert Square Feet to Square Meters

Convert sq ft to m2 with our easy-to-use calculator. Just enter the length and width in feet, and we'll do the rest

Convert sq ft to m2

Need to find out sq ft to m2? Our tool makes it easy to do just that. Just type the number of square feet into the box and click "Convert." The calculator shows the equivalent size in square meters right away. This square feet to square meter conversion tool can help you figure out sq ft to sq mt, whether you're a builder, a homeowner, or just someone who wants to know.

Area Converters

Most Searched Square Feet to Square Meter

Square Feet to Square MeterSquare Feet to Square Meter
1000 sq ft to m2 = 92.9032000 sq ft to m2 = 185.806
3000 sq ft to m2 = 278.7091200 sq ft to m2 = 113.104
1500 sq ft to m2 = 142.247400 sq ft to m2 = 37.161
800 sq ft to m2 = 74.3221100 sq ft to m2 = 102.739
1800 sq ft to m2 = 165.8062500 sq ft to m2 = 232.258
500 sq ft to m2 = 46.451200 sq ft to m2 = 18.580
4000 sq ft to m2 = 371.6132000 sq ft to m2 = 185.806
1000 sq ft to m2 = 92.9031200 sq ft to m2 = 113.104
4500 sq ft to m2 = 418.062400 sq ft to m2 = 226.208
1500 sq ft to m2 = 142.2472500 sq ft to m2 = 232.258
500 sq ft to m2 = 46.4512700 sq ft to m2 = 253.063
3000 sq ft to m2 = 278.7091100 sq ft to m2 = 102.739
11000 sq ft to m2 = 1027.388125 sq ft to m2 = 11.310
1250 sq ft to m2 = 113.104130 sq ft to m2 = 11.961
1330 sq ft to m2 = 122.258140 sq ft to m2 = 12.537

Definition of Square Feet

A square foot (sq ft, sf, or ft2) non-SI, non-metric unit. sq ft is the same as the area of a square with one-foot-long sides. It is a common unit of measurement for apartments, houses, and other structures in the United States and other imperial-based nations.

Definition of Square Meter

A square meter (sq.m. or M2) is a unit of area in the International System of Units (SI). Square meters is equal to the area of a square with sides one meter in length. Square meters are often used to measure the size of rooms, houses, and other land based structures.

Convert sq ft into m2

Square feet and square meters are both units of area. However, 1 ft² is equal to 0.09290304 m². The formula for converting square feet to square meters is: sqm = sq ft × 0.09290304. This means that to convert sq ft to sqm, you can simply multiply the number of square feet by 0.09290304.

How to use our Application

The best and most accurate way to convert sq ft to sqm is to use our sq ft to sq mt converter. Just type the sq ft number into the box and click the "Convert" button. Square meters will be used to show the result. Try our sq ft into sq mt converter today!

Square Feet to Square Meter

Square Feet to Square MeterSquare Feet to Square MeterSquare Feet to Square Meter
1000 sq ft to m2 = 92.901100 sq ft to m2 = 102.21200 sq ft to m2 = 111.5
1300 sq ft to m2 = 120.81400 sq ft to m2 = 130.11500 sq ft to m2 = 139.4
1600 sq ft to m2 = 148.61700 sq ft to m2 = 157.91800 sq ft to m2 = 167.2
1900 sq ft to m2 = 176.52000 sq ft to m2 = 185.82100 sq ft to m2 = 195.1
2200 sq ft to m2 = 204.42300 sq ft to m2 = 213.72400 sq ft to m2 = 223.0
2500 sq ft to m2 = 232.32600 sq ft to m2 = 241.52700 sq ft to m2 = 250.8
2800 sq ft to m2 = 260.12900 sq ft to m2 = 269.43000 sq ft to m2 = 278.7
3100 sq ft to m2 = 288.03200 sq ft to m2 = 297.33300 sq ft to m2 = 306.6
3400 sq ft to m2 = 315.93500 sq ft to m2 = 325.23600 sq ft to m2 = 334.5
3700 sq ft to m2 = 343.73800 sq ft to m2 = 353.03900 sq ft to m2 = 362.3
4000 sq ft to m2 = 371.64100 sq ft to m2 = 380.94200 sq ft to m2 = 390.2
4300 sq ft to m2 = 399.54400 sq ft to m2 = 408.84500 sq ft to m2 = 418.1
4600 sq ft to m2 = 427.44700 sq ft to m2 = 436.64800 sq ft to m2 = 445.9
4900 sq ft to m2 = 455.25000 sq ft to m2 = 464.55100 sq ft to m2 = 473.8
5200 sq ft to m2 = 483.15300 sq ft to m2 = 492.45400 sq ft to m2 = 501.7
5500 sq ft to m2 = 511.05600 sq ft to m2 = 520.35700 sq ft to m2 = 529.5
5800 sq ft to m2 = 538.85900 sq ft to m2 = 548.16000 sq ft to m2 = 557.4
6100 sq ft to m2 = 566.76200 sq ft to m2 = 576.06300 sq ft to m2 = 585.3
6400 sq ft to m2 = 594.66500 sq ft to m2 = 603.96600 sq ft to m2 = 613.2
6700 sq ft to m2 = 622.56800 sq ft to m2 = 631.76900 sq ft to m2 = 641.0
7000 sq ft to m2 = 650.37100 sq ft to m2 = 659.67200 sq ft to m2 = 668.9
7300 sq ft to m2 = 678.27400 sq ft to m2 = 687.57500 sq ft to m2 = 696.8
7600 sq ft to m2 = 706.17700 sq ft to m2 = 715.47800 sq ft to m2 = 724.6
7900 sq ft to m2 = 733.98000 sq ft to m2 = 743.28100 sq ft to m2 = 752.5
8200 sq ft to m2 = 761.88300 sq ft to m2 = 771.18400 sq ft to m2 = 780.4
8500 sq ft to m2 = 789.78600 sq ft to m2 = 799.08700 sq ft to m2 = 808.3
8800 sq ft to m2 = 817.58900 sq ft to m2 = 826.89000 sq ft to m2 = 836.1
9100 sq ft to m2 = 845.49200 sq ft to m2 = 854.79300 sq ft to m2 = 864.0
9400 sq ft to m2 = 873.39500 sq ft to m2 = 882.69600 sq ft to m2 = 891.9
9700 sq ft to m2 = 901.29800 sq ft to m2 = 910.59900 sq ft to m2 = 919.7
10000 sq ft to m2 = 929.010000 sq ft to m2 = 929.010100 sq ft to m2 = 938.3
10200 sq ft to m2 = 947.610300 sq ft to m2 = 956.910400 sq ft to m2 = 966.2
10500 sq ft to m2 = 975.510600 sq ft to m2 = 984.810700 sq ft to m2 = 994.1

Square Feet to Square Meter

Do you want to know how to convert square feet to square meters? then, you've come to the correct place! Our sq ft to sq m converter is the most convenient and accurate

FAQs on Convert sq ft to sqm

To convert 1 square meter (sqm) to square feet (sq ft), use the formula below: 1 sqm = 10.764 sq ft. So, if you have a 1 sqm area, multiply it by 10.764 to get the comparable amount in sq ft.

3x3 sq m is equal to 9 sq ft.bHere's the calculation: 3 sq m * 10.76 sq ft/sq m = 9 sq ft. Therefore, a 3x3 sq m area is equivalent to 9 sq ft.

1 square in square meters is equal to 0.000645 square meters. To convert square inches to square meters, use the following equation: square meters = square inches x 0.000645.

1 feet is equal to 0.0929 square meters. Here is the conversion formula: square_meters = feet * 0.09290304. We hope this helps! Let us know if you have any other questions.